About Us

A Message from Our Company CEO, Ray Urrutia

Business As Mission?


Four areas, namely the overarching or integrating theme of:

1. God’s purpose in the world
2. Role of business in serving people
3. Role of business in creation care and
4. Role of profit


The intentional pursuit for excellence in the business and as a profession of the Faith. Any enterprise must focus these two elements daily with stakeholders as well as with the long-term direction of the business.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”


Relationships over time provide opportunities for stakeholders to see the distinct character of the business, e.g., its witness: (a) indirect interactions among internal and external groups such as employees, clients, suppliers, governments, and (b) the indirect influence the business affects in its community with families and friends of employees, local communities, and other businesses within the market.


Real, viable, sustainable, and profitable business operations that contribute to the success of the business over time.

Colossians 3:23-24 “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ”


Business as Mission companies believes in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform individuals and communities on all levels (physical, spiritual, emotional, behavioral) and thus seek to be faithful instruments for the Holy Spirit by revealing Christ through the business to the greater glory of God.

Philippians 3:14 NLT “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us”


The business is both the means and the message; it leverages every opportunity to serve spiritual, social, and economic needs; it, therefore, embodies the Gospel message through its demonstrable, distinctive actions.

2 Corinthians 5:20 “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God”

Business As Mission

I started this company about a year and a half ago. I was introduced to this when someone said, “Call Ray because he’ll know what to do with this.” There was a video clip I saw, and the first thing I thought of was, “I can have an impact on humanity by feeding the world.” Now, that’s a far vision from meaning something close to an idea. But, I took it and ran with it. I created the company and the things we have together today. The foundation involves indoor farming or agriculture done indoors with soil. We can go anywhere from a 5,000-square-foot building up to a 100,000-square-foot building if we choose to. But, our perfect model is 10,000 square feet based on the math and the science behind it. We can grow 266,000 pounds of produce every 30 days in sustainable soil.

Today, we’re in the process of trying to develop our farms across the US with the plan to operate nationally and internationally. Analysis conducted by Meticulous Research® states that the organic food market will be worth $272.18 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.2% from 2020, even with the impact of COVID-19. What’s clear is that climate constraints will drive powerful market forces affecting us all as we work to change the energy production and use patterns of the entire planet. Policymaking that once supported the exploitation of the natural world is shifting gears to enable and reward the new carbon logic. And new, meaningful data and analysis mean that investment professionals have a unique opportunity to influence corporate strategy for the global good. With 30% of the pie at stake, this is how investors can make a real difference for our climate.
As you know, healthy diets are important for supporting immune systems. Good nutrition can also reduce the likelihood of developing other health problems, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. TFF has created a method of growing the only available kind of produce that’s 100% organic. Eating right obviously helps us be as healthy as we can to ward off COVID-19 and other illnesses.
This is beneficial for:
  • Supermarkets That Wish to Grow or Sell Their Own Branded Produce, etc. (e.g., Top-Tier Grocery
    Chains and Specialized Local Grocers)
  • US Military Units That Need to Feed Their Troops the Healthiest Foods Available and Donate to
    Countries Experiencing Mass Starvation
  • Restaurants and Eateries That Wish to Grow Their Own Produce, etc.
  • Schools That Wish to Teach Healthy Eating, Entrepreneurship, Saving the Planet, Organic Life, Creating
    Jobs Worldwide, etc.
  • Farmers Who Wish to Enhance Their Work with Terraponics Versus Hydroponics
  • International Markets

Recyclable Energy

Process Of Recyclable Energy
Pyrolysis Process Diagram


Ray Urrutia

AgTech TFF NexGen Farm

Terra Firma Foods